Friday 18 March 2016

An Introduction

Hello there!

I originally started blogging last year in an attempt to clear my head but as exams and stress pressed on, I sort of fell out of love with my theme, blog and blogging in general. However, now as I come to leave highschool, and have time off before university, I want to go again, and this time for real.

So what better way to introduce myself than with the response to a Liebster Award nomination from my friend Nadine!

My name is Charlotte, and here are my answers!

1. What is your favourite thing about blogging and the blogging community?
I love the escapism into real life if that makes sense? Being able to write about your experience to readers who will give their input is liberating, and being able to find like minded people and good resources is fantastic!
2. What inspires you most when writing a blog post?
I like to take my life as inspiration more than anything, particularly with poetry, but I will often draw inspiration from friends, the world and music.
3. What has been the highlight of your 2016 so far?
Probably finishing up high school and getting to pursue life in a whole different way!

4. When do you usually write your posts? Morning, afternoon, or night?
I usually write when I can, I tend to write poetry at night however.

5. If you could repeat any moment of your life, what would you repeat and why?
My first date with someone special, I've not had more fun so far.

6. If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I loved New York but I would say Canada. Im a big fan of the cold, snow and the idea of log cabins and nice people.

7. If you could have dinner with any 3 people in the world, who would it be?
I'd have to say Jeremy Corbyn, Barbara Dunkelman and Ben Ebbrell

8. If you could go back in time and tell your younger self something they will always remember, what would you say?
Never hate yourself, it is not worth your time, you will one day love yourself more than anyone else can, so much that you know your weaknesses and you will embrace and work on them. So many people will love what you think you hate, so don't waste your time on it. Also, find good friends, a lot of people will mess you around and you don't need that.

9. Have you experienced heartbreak? Romantic and/or platonic?
I have 100% experienced heartbreak many times, more often than not romantic, but nothing compares to loosing a friend, to whatever circumstance.

10. What was your childhood career goal? Has it changed since then or remained the same?
I initially, as so many young girls do, wanted to become a ballerina, and when that dream failed as I realised I had neither the physique or dedication for that, I went through a plethora of careers in my head. Baker, superhero, astrophysicist, princess and now most recently Politician! so you could say I've certainly developed my taste!

11. Any favourite music artists? Or genres in general?
I'm a big musicals fan, particularly Wicked, but I listen to a lot of stuff!

And now these are the rules for anyone who gets nominated:

  • Thank and link the blogger who nominated you
  • Post an image of the award on your page
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you has asked
  • Link 5-11 blogs that have less than 200 followers
  • Create 11 questions for them to answer
  • Notify the blogs via their social media sites
I don't have anyone specific to nominate, so I will say this is to anyone who wants to introduce or RE-introduce themselves!

Questions are...

1. Why did you start blogging?

2. What is your favourite Ice Cream flavour?

3. Do you have a life goal? If so, what?

4. Where is your favourite place to blog or write posts?

5. Who are you inspired by?

6. What is your favourite season?

7. When do you work best?

8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

9.  Do you have a favourite blogger? Who?

10. What's a secret talent of yours?

11. Have you ever been in love?

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